About Me

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An overthinker deprived from the state of California, writing to the youth of America in hopes of her return.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Left Handedness vs. Right Handedness

The grass isn't always greener on the other side..
Did you know..?
Left Handed people are more prone to become acholohics, have chron's disease, stutter, and die nine years earlier than right handed people?
Many People in the 1600's killed left handed people because they thought they were witches.
In England long ago, left handers were forced to use thier right hand, causing them speech problems down the road.
All Polar Bears are left handed.
Left Handed People's handwriting often smears because thier hand drags across it as they write. As for a right handed person the ink has few seconds to dry before they drag thier hand across it.
All The school desks in public schools are made for right handed people resulting in left handed people having to write sideways.
Men are more likely to be left handed than women.
Left Hander's day is August 13th.
Left Handed people don't do too well with taking pictures because the camera button is on the oppsite side than thier dominant hand.
In the Middle Ages, if you wrote with your left hand you were killed.
If both parents are left handed, chances are 50% they will have a left handed child. If thier both righties they only have a 2% chance.
Most babies use only thier right hand, and start to use thier left (if they're going to be a leftie) at 2 years of age.
Left Handed people are smarter than right handers. Thier IQ's tend to be over a 130, and they are better at science and math.
So Yeah... Maybe being extra creative isn't worth being left handed.

Friday, July 30, 2010

if you ever need me, LA is where I'll be.

i love california. the best thing about it? it's far away from west virginia. haha. i think i'd have a better chance of getting hired as a journalist in california than in WV, some people disagree with me but i really don't care. theres no way i'm staying in west virginia.
i want to live in LA the most. all the other cities rock, it's just LA is the place to be.
i'm not going there for the entertaiment industry. i'm going for the journalism. i cant sing and more than likely cant act (not too sure with the acting because i've never tried) but i can write pretty good.
my mom's best friend's son is in the marines and travels a lot. he was in japan but now he's in san diego, california and i'm so jealous. the comic con was there last week and i would have loved to go. but unfortunely, he flew out there when he was done visting with his family, and i didn't get the well looked forward to--cross country trip. sadly.
it takes 33 hours to get to LA from my house. That's not including time to stop to eat, get gas and sleep. it takes a week to drive out there but it would be worth it.
my mom said that if we went out there, we would only go to san diego. but that would be worth it too. san diego has some good beaches there. they film TV shows out there: Medium, Ghost Whisperer, and So You Think You Can Dance.
Oh Yeah, want a good song to get you in a 'California' mood???
'California Love' 2pac.
rock out.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Ramblin' Sometimes Helps...OR NOT!

If I didn't have writing ,what would I do? I can't answer that question,because I'm not sure myself. Without writing all day, my life sure would be dull. Writing excites me. It's fun for me to write people the way I want them to act and be.
I'm starting highschool on August 19th. I can't wait. I've always wanted to be through with school and now I almost am. 4 more years. :)
I got to choose some of sechdule for highschool. I have three electives. I had to choose three + four alterntives in case those are full.
My mains were: Journalism, French, and Digtial Imaging. My Alterntives were: Piano, Speech,Exploring Technogly, and Art.
I suck at Art I know. But it was the only class I could find that would give me a full credit. I don't like Math much so I like it when it's whole numbers when I have to add up my credits.
My friend Emily is in Marching Band. I was in Middle School Band with her, but wearing a weird costume and marching all day just didn't appeal to me, so I didn't sign up.
In Middle School Band I played Clarinet. Emily played the flute. She's really good, and I'm just okay. She did all the extra stuff for band (all county, marshall honary) and all I did was go to Chambers one time. haha. Music is great to listen to, I just don't like playing it--much.
Exploring Technogoly seemed interesting to me. It probably takes a lot of math and science knowlege but I need the practice. It teaches you how to take apart and put computers back together. I wanted to know how to do that so I signed up.
French--why french? Kirsten Vangsness knows how to speak it. I thought I should too. I hate Spanish, yet I love Miami. Spanish is diffcult to learn and I hate diffcult. It's the whole feminie and masculine words that throw me. WTF? Speak English.
Digital Imaging is a popular class, that I probably won't get. I plan on minoring in Photography when I get to college. It seemed to go well along with my major being Journalism.
As for Speech, my mom says I need to talk more in front of people I don't know. I tend not to. I get really nervous talking in front of people and they think this class would helpful to me.
That's pretty much it for my post for today. I heard on a TV show that talking helps. This is techically rambling, so it doesn't count. Oh well.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

To My 'Love'

Sometimes in life there are things I can't explain to you. Your the one I love, like and lust. You will always be that to me. I've tried to get over you, but when I look at other people I find myself looking for you inside them.
I've loved you since the day I first saw you. Ever since then, you've been the one I dream about, write about, and live for. I would do everything in my power to please you, because your opinion matters the most to me. Your the only one that ever mattered this much to me, I can't get over you. The other's were different. I don't care about them anymore.
To me, it doesn't matter how much you hurt me. As long as you're with me, it doesn't matter. It will always heal. My Family can't help me. Nor can my friends. They say I don't give it time, they say if I didn't look for you everywhere and keep holding on to hope, I wouldn't love you anymore. But that's the most diffcult and painful thing I have EVER done.
I'm sorry. You probably have figured out exactly why I was by your house that day. I'd get on my knees and beg to you if I knew you'd forgive me. But I know it would never work, because you hate to see me.
I know why you said 'Hi' to me that day. If you were alone you would have treated me like you always did. But he was with you. And that changed everything. Not only for you, but for me too. I sat up nights trying not to think of you. Never works.
I always heard in quotes that the 'one you can never get over' is the one for you. If that's true I'll wait for you. But we both know that will never happen. We may never see one another ever again. At least not with him around, but still I want to see you. No matter how much it hurts.
If we ever find our way together in the end, I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you, and being who you want me to be. I owe you that. Always. I would be living the best days of my life.
I have never forgotten anything you ever said to me. I never forgot the dates either. I kept everything you ever signed, touched, and as for that jacket when you hugged me, I never washed it. And it smells just like you still.
I'll be waiting for you--for a while. I won't forever. You'll always be my first choice, and the one I'd give up everything for.
Why, after everything you've done?
Because I'm still in love with you.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

10 Questions! :)

1) If you could change and be the opposite sex of what you are now, would you?
No way! Being a girl is way too much fun! Who wants to have to play sports?

2) If you were running for Miss. America (or whatever the male equivelent is) what would your platform be?
I'd stand for gay marriage. I think it would make our country more diverse to what it is now.

3) Honestly, who is your favorite person in the world?
Shannon Tweed or Kirsten Vangsness.I can't decide between the two of them. They rock.

4) If you were in a situation to where it was 'kill or be killed', would you be able to kill?
Probably not. I couldn't kill a person. I just couldn't.

5) Name 3 of your gulity pleasures:
Music, Shoes, and Twitter.

6) Is there anyone you really and truthfully hate?
Yes. People who have harassed me, made fun of me, and talk about me, I HATE YOU!

7) What were the best days and worst days of your life?
Best day- The day I got Kirsten Vangsness 's autograph in the mail.
Worst Day- The day my neighbor Granny died.

8) If you could pick love or money which would you choose?
Love, I guess.

9)Do you believe in God? Do you think he believes in you?
Well..yeah I do believe in some sort of God. I don't believe everything the bible says because it just seems a little impossible to me. But I do believe in God.

10) What is your dream job?
To work for the Los Angeles Times Newspaper.

peace + love + shannon tweed! :)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Surveys I found on Facebook :)

Okay, newest of the newest questions! Are you ready?
Sure! :)

I say boys, you say?
are they rich? love criminal minds? wear wacky socks?

Did you ever have the swine flu?
nope, thank gosh.

Name something you dislike about the day your having:
Having to go to the orthodonist later. ho-hum.

Are you happy right now?
Content, not happy.

Last person you hugged?
I dont give hugs. EVER.

What are you sitting on?
my bed.

Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night?
my doggie shadow! i always tell him goodnight and he barks in reply!

If the year only consited of one season, what would you choose?
summer or autumn..can't decide.

Do you think relationships are even worth it?
yes, it teaches you what you hope to find in a person one day.

Could you go out in public looking like you do now?
with my califonia dreamin' shirt and chipmunk pants! HELL YEAH!

What hurts right now?
nothing really. my mouth will hurt later though.

Do you have a member of the opposite sex, you could tell everything to?
nope. never have and never will.

Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
maybe a little. not to a bratty extreme.


Does it bother you when people try to make you jealous?
yes! it's so annoying! (it makes guys look really cocky and girls bitchy)

Is it possible to be single and happy?
yeah, if you have someone to crush on while your single! :)

Do you plan on sleeping in tommorow?
yeah, it's summertime! :)

What's something you really want?
shannon tweed's autobiography.

Does you Myspace Profile Song have any personal meaning?

First thing you do when you wake up:
get on the computer. sometimes i even forget to go to the bathroom and eat first.

Will this weekend be a good one?
possibly. you never know.

Have you ever been awake for two days straight?
no..i dont think i've ever been up for a full 24 hours.

What do you do as soon as you walk in the house?
take my shoes off.

What color are your eyes?
blue with a green tint.

When is your next road trip?
probably next year when we go to myrtle beach. sigh.

Do you think age matters in relationships?
no..i only like people older than me.

Do you wish you could start over with someone?

What's going on with you and the last person you kissed?
we're not friends. we're not enemies either.

Your brother tells you he's in jail, what do you say?
i'd laugh my ass off.

Have you ever been rude to someone without even realizing it?

Have would you feel if the last person you talked to died?
i would be very sad.

Do you like movie nights?
yeah, but i get antsy halfway through.

Did you accept or reject your last friend request?

What do you hear right now?
music from one of my playlists.

Have you ever talked to someone when they were high?
more than likely.

What are you looking forward to in the next 3 months?
highschool, halloween...

Do you want a boy child or girl child?
i dont want kids at all.

In the past week have you felt stupid?
yeah..always have blonde moments.

Do you want to grow old with someone or be single forever?
grow old with someone

Wearing any bracelets?

Who is the funniest person you know?
emily. :)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

'Kiss and Tell'

So the other day I was googling one of my favorite and totally awesome celebrities Shannon Tweed, and I found out she has a autobiography! Amazing right?
I'm so mad though, because every where I've tried doesn't have it in stock. Barnes and Noble, Borders, Amazon, Walmart. I'm very depressed.
I shouldn't have read 'Let's take a peak inside!' on amazon. It let me read the first two pages and I got hooked. :) It was a foreword from Gene Simmons (from KISS) who rocks also BTW. Now whenever I see people wearing KISS shirts in public I kept staring at thier shirts until they say:
"What the hell are you staring at?" And I'll be like:
"Which one of those guys is Gene Simmons?" They all look the same to me.
ANYWAY, I really want Shannon's autobiography. I can't find it and it's driving me nuts. I've learned a lot about her though through the google seraches I did.
Did you know..
Shannon has 6 brothers and sisters? 2 sisters and 4 brothers?
That she's from Canada?
She met Gene Simmons on his birthday?
She was at one time in her life, with a woman (who was a PLAYMATE!)
Her and her sister Tracy have the same middle name?
That she's 5'10? THATS SO COOL!
Her birthday's March 10th?
Did you know she's been happily unmarried for 26 and a half years?
That she has appeared in over 60 sexual movies?

Want some irony?
I just recently starting watching Gene Simmons: Family Jewels (well march if you want the truth :) )
Before then I had never even heard of Gene Simmons and Shannon Tweed. Seriously. I had heard of KISS though. Don't think I sound too Amish.
Anyhoo, I realized something ironic when I googled thier show.
Thier son Nick's birthday is January 22nd. The same day as that teacher I used to like birthday was!
And thier daughter Sophie's birthday is the same day as Kirsten Vangsness. July 7th.

Friday, July 23, 2010

favorites. :)

My Favorite ...
TV Shows:
Criminal Minds
CSI: Miami
Gene Simmons: Family Jewels
The Secret Life of The American Teenager
Two and a Half Men
Vampire Mob
Drop Dead Diva

Kirsten Vangsness
Emily Procter
Shannon Tweed
Brooke Elliott
Natasha Richardson
Elizabeth Reaser
Tracy Tweed
AJ Cook
Paget Brewster

Favorite Stores:
Wet Seal
Hot Topic
Rue 21
Forever 21

Favorite Songs:
'California Love' 2pac
'Forever Young' Jay-Z
'Young and in Love' Jordin Sparks
'I'm in Miami Bitch' LMFAO
'Don't Speak' No Doubt
'Gotta Tell You' Samantha Mumba
'Crazy' Jojo
'Impossible' Shontelle

Favorite Places:
Los Angeles, California
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Miami, Florida
Las Vegas, Nevada
New York, New York
San Francisco, California

Favorite Quotes:
'Kiss slowly, love deeply, Forgive quickly. Life is too short to be living with regrets.'
'Love me now. Love me never. But if you love me, love me forever.'
'I don't know if I like you or love you. All I know is that the feelings I have for you is unexplainable.'
'I'm leaving because I need to leave. Who Knows? Maybe one day we'll be together.'
'It's good to know where we are today, is where the universe has put us to.'

AND FINALLY! 10 things I want to do before I die:
1. Meet Kirsten Vangsness
2. Go to Los Angeles, California
3. Get married.
4. Become a published author. :)
5. Somehow, someway,make SKD forgive me.
6.Learn how to sing! (the right way XP)
7. Go Skydiving.
8.Learn to be left handed.
9.Atcually, utterly, completely understand Math.
10.Kiss someone in the rain.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

25 Things You probably didnt know about me! :)

1) I overthink too many things. There are many times in life that I have wanted to turn my mind completely off.

2)I like to read quotes. I often write them in places and post them EVERYWHERE!

3)I'm a bit paranoid about trusting people anymore. I've been talked about way too much I guess.

4) I love to write. If I could do it for a living I'd be happy.

5) I stay on the computer for long periods of time. The longest time I've ever been on was 6 and a half hours.

6) I love music and couldn't go a day without listening to it.

7) I like to go vacations because I hate the state of West Virginia.

8) The day I turn 18 I'm moving to Los Angeles, California or Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Just saying.

9) I'm addicted to Twitter. I have over a thousand tweets. But I heart it.

10) I dress kinda wacky. Like a 'space waitress' as Kirsten Vangsness would say. XP.

11)I have a very selective memory and attention span. Get used to it.

12) I wish I could sing well because I always wanted to be an actress--but I can't unfortunely.

13)I hate makeup! It' so pointless to me, so I choose not to wear it.

14) I love Criminal Minds. It's my second addiction.

15) I don't believe in: Love at First Sight, Luck, Soulmates,or Friends With Benefits.

16) I hate sports. I dont watch them and I dont play them. Period.

17) I suck at math to the extreme. But if it's English releated I'm pretty good.

18) I can write with both my hands equally. I'm a bit more right handed than left though.

19)I love to wear sunglasses wherever I go. It's a must for me.

20) I like not to be noticed much--unless I like the person.

21) I love red hair and wish it was my natual color.

22) I love RoadTrips. They're loads of fun.

23) Sometimes I cuss a bit too much for people's liking.

24) I'm not sure about what I believe religon wise--I don't think about it too much. But I do believe there's a god of some kind.

25) I watch cartoons more than I EVER should admit at 14. LOL.

Monday, July 19, 2010

My crazy ol' Ideas..

So the other day I was watching 'The Decent Proposal' on Lifetime (Saturday I think.) ANYWAY, that's where I got the idea for 'The Love of Her Life'. That movie is about a young woman's boss tricking her into thinking her boyfriend was dead, he marries her, and she has her boyfriend's baby while thinking he is dead. BUT HE WAS ALIVE!
I went wild after that. I'd been looking for an idea for days because I was nearly finished with 'On the Rocks.' Don't get me wrong, I had a couple of halfway written rough drafts that were ideas in the process but this was real. And a Awesome Idea.
I think I spent a good 30 minutes of my life writing Chapter 1 and posting it on fanfiction. I was starting to think maybe it was a bad idea when-- BAM!-- people starting to review me.
I never really think my stories are good until people tell me they are. I was kinda shocked at who reviewed my stoires because I spent many months reading THIER fanfictions before I had the nerve to post: 'White Horse.'
I mean come on! When poeple you used to worship and read and reread thier stories and then they tell you your story rocks then that's gotta mean something! ;)
Well I must go now. To write Chapter 3 and possibly Chapter 4. And I also must trust my muse. Yet sometimes I don't because my ideas tend to be a bit dramatic.
But fret not, I am on my way to my story.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Welcome To MY Blog.

Hello all. I am Bri. A California Dreamin' teenager with dreams bigger than her reality. But that's ok. God gave us an imgination for a reason. Let's use it. :)

I am addicted to writing. Fanfiction, Short Stories, Chapter Books, Poetry, BRING IT ON! I've been writing for a while now. I really didn't start to dream about being paid for it (Like being an author or journalist) till I was at least 10. Now I'm always writing. My dream is to work for The Los Angeles Times.

There's also this show I love and write the most about: Criminal Minds. I love it. It's 21 kinds of awesome. Aside from the gruesome bleeding people and freaky unsubs they chase down. I watch it for thier tech girl Garcia usually. I'm a Garcie Girl. I can't help it.

So that's me. In the simplest form I can think of. Talk to me.